Acércate a una de nuestras celebraciones presenciales o grupos pequeños de discipulado
The Lord has sent us to make disciples, and to live in community our call to give him Glory, in the connect group you will be able to get closer to our community in a personal way,
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If you have doubts, we are willing to listen to you, click here and write to us, with much love we will assist you
children, disciples and servants of Christ
We want to be a community of children, disciples and faithful servants of God who reflect Jesus Christ in their lives and reach the city for Him.
By believing in Christ, we make ourselves first of all, ChildrenBy grace we are accepted even without deserving it, and we begin to know our Father better through the scriptures, prayer, the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Pablo también nos exhorta en Hebreos 5:12 a profundizar en el conocimiento de Cristo, y nos envía no solo a presentar las buenas nuevas, sino que en Mateo 28 nos indica, “haced discipulos a todas las naciones”, somos discipled to strengthen the foundations of our Faith and later fulfill the call of Matthew 28.
As the body of Christ, we are members of one another, each fulfilling a role, We serve Christ with our life.